41411 SMS Service
Just a Text Away
The latest bus information is just a text message away with DART 41411.
Customers can find out when the next bus or train is scheduled to arrive at their stop by knowing the stop ID. The stop ID is created for each bus and train stop. For example, if the stop ID number is 28076, text DART 28076 to 41411. Make sure a space follows the stop ID number.
DART posts the unique stop ID number created for each bus and rail stop on the front of the bus stop sign. The stop ID number can also help customers who call the Information Center at 214-979-1111 and use the new automated information line. DART text message service is free, but customers are responsible for any charges based on their call plan.
Some stops have multiple routes. To see times for one route only:
Text dart [Stop ID] rt [route number] to 41411. For example, text DART 28076 rt749 to 41411 to get back times for route 749 at Rosa Parks Plaza. (Include a space between the dart, the Stop ID number, and rt [route number].
The above error message is being received by customers of T-Mobile in situations where they are trying to use 41411 to send and receive text messages, but their cell phone service does not include this ability. Users seeing this message must contact T-Mobile directly and have them unblock text messaging. Please be aware that T-Mobile does charge for sending and receiving text messages and these charges have nothing to do with the 41411 service.
The 41411 service is available on all major US carriers including: AT&T, Alltel, Bluegrass Cellular, Boost Mobile CDMA, Boost Mobile iDEN, Cellcom, Cellular South, Centennial, Cincinnati Bell, Dobson Cellular Systems, ECIT, East Kentucky Network, Immix Wireless, MetroPCS, NTELOS, Nextel Communications, Rural Cellular Corp., Sprint PCS Wireless, Tracfone, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon Wireless, Virgin Mobile USA, West Central Wireless.
No, but standard data and text messaging rates may apply. Check with your phone service provider for your plan's rates.
Yes, if you see (est) after the time, you are seeing real time information. If real time information is not available, scheduled times, noted with (sch), will be shown.