Promoting Community Growth
From education, to job opportunities, to culture, to healthcare, to transportation and so much more, DART helps North Texans connect with their community. DART is a critical connector for North Texas, making mobility easier for everyone—even those that do not ride.
As a cornerstone of the region's multi-modal transportation network, public transit is part of our livelihood and our region’s continued economic growth. In fact, we'd say DART is moving North Texas Forward.

Capital Program Information
Silver Line Project
Post FEIS/ROD Project changes - Memoranda to File: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)/ Record of Decision (ROD) for the Silver Line in November 2018.
Transit System Plan
The North Texas region will continue to grow rapidly into the future, adding nearly 4 million new residents and approximately 2.2 million jobs by the year 2045.